Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New adventures

Lately we've had a lot of guests.  Having guest distracts me from important things (i.e. blogging).  So far 2/3s of our company has come and gone, and our last group flies in Friday.  It's been fun showing everyone around Monterey and Pacific Grove.  It helps us get out and see the sights; we've discovered new places and restaurants in the last few weeks!

Another exciting thing is that this week I found out I got a job.  Beginning next week I will be a preschool teacher!  I've enjoyed being at home the last few weeks and not having much to do, but I'm really looking forward to having full days again, especially since I'll be working with very cute small children.  There are downsides to being a housewife I've learned.  Granted, I don't do very much.  Mostly go to the gym, do some crafting, read some novels, keep the house clean.  There are disadvantages though.  One of which is dishes.  Apparently, in order to do the dishes you need an advanced degree in dish organization and management.  Maybe when I'm busy working all day hubby will learn how to do the dishes.  Here's hoping!

Coming up, Phil will be heading into his second quarter.  I can't believe we're nearly done with the first quarter already.  We also have a family wedding in April, and a chance to see our adorable little nephews.  Looking forward to all the adventures coming up!

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